The Principles of Crisis Communications course begins in just a few weeks. In this short video, Rob Burton interviews the course instructor, David Kalson.

Successfully managing a crisis requires that the operational crisis team, whose job it is to put out the fire, is closely coordinated with the communications team. The communications team’s job is to communicate about the fire: Is it out? Why not? How many casualties? What happened? Was the organization negligent? And they must tailor their communications to a wide range of audiences, including employees, customers, shareholders, government regulators, the news media, the general public, etc. This two-day course introduces the field of Crisis Communications on Day 1. On Day 2 participants will experience hands-on learning through role-playing exercises.

Topics covered in the course will include how to develop a crisis communications plan, crisis messaging, media relations during a crisis, responding to crises on social media, effective and ineffective apologies in a crisis, and how to communicate when public outrage is very high.

Join us virtually, February 24-25, 2021


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