We would like to welcome Porter Novelli, now merged with Cone, as a Silver Sponsor of ICMC 2019!

To flourish in today’s complex and uncertain environment, companies need to build the reputation they deserve. Porter Novelli finds a brand’s purpose so it endures. The agency’s Reputation Management practice crafts communications that answer the demand for transparency, coaches leaders to intuitively know how to behave and react, and serves as trusted C-suite and boardroom counselors who shape and pressure test clients’ propositions. It’s Porter Novelli’s job to articulate the right identity, bring discipline to the reality of always-on communications, and be a smart and agile partner in a constantly changing landscape.

“We’re thrilled to once again be a sponsor of ICMC’s annual event, which attracts some of the top minds in crisis management. We enjoy the opportunity to engage with others about the growing importance of reputation management in today’s world of real-time communications, share best practices and build new relationships with peers and potential partners and clients.” – Kate Burgess, Senior Vice President, Porter Novelli.

Mike Lawrence and Marc Berliner of Cone were speakers at the 2016, 2017 and 2018 conferences, and the company was an exhibitor in 2018. We are pleased to continue our relationship now with Porter Novelli for the 2019 conference.

About Porter Novelli

Porter Novelli is a global purpose communication consultancy. We believe organizations must thrive on the ambition to make a positive impact. Brands with a clear purpose motivate action, secure loyalty and encourage advocacy. We partner with our clients to find, live and tell their unique position to the audiences who matter most—both to their cause and their bottom line. This is what drives us. For additional information, please visit www.porternovelli.com. Porter Novelli is a part of the Omnicom Public Relations Group.


Register for the conference

ICMC 2019  will take place on April 30th through May 2nd in Newport, RI. There will be two days of training and one day of speaker presentations. Learn more

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